Sense and shape

The idea with this page is more as a collection of projects that I either intend to work on or am working on. As the project either get dumped, as many of the inevitably will, or become completed they will change their value on the blog. Projects that I complete could end up becoming a separate part of the blog much like the section on the cuticle.

Sunday, 14 March 2010


I have a tendency to involve myself in several projects.... right now I am in the process of:

Trying to make a photography cataloging, and 3D reconstruction device for pinned insects.
1). This is hopefully going to be done using photosynth and then exporting the point cloud into maya or another 3D graphics software in order to reconstruct a 3D model of the organism. There will be further details in future posts..
2). Drawing educational diagrams of the different insect orders for morphological terminology and a study leaflet used in a course in field zoology.
3). A small manuscript on the corneal ultra-structures of the insect eye. This article is hopefully also a forerunner to another article about the corneal ultra-structures of the lower Diptera in specific.
4) There is more and it will be coming shortly.

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